1-1 Adam & Eve

1-2 Cain & Able/Noah & the Flood

2-1 The Man Who Believed What God Said

2-2 The Temple Tower

3-1 The Call of Abraham

3-2 The Three Strangers

4-1 Sodom

4-2 The Supreme Test

5-1 The Strange Romance

5-2 The Unlike Twins

6-1 The Cheating Twin Cheated

6-2 The Mystery of the Disappearing Idols

7-1 The Case of the Wrestling Twin

7-2 The Coat of Many Colors

8-1 Mrs Potiphar & the Dungeon

8-2 The King's Butler & the King's Baker

9-1 The King & the Slave

9-2 The Unreasonable Prime Minister

10-1 The Governor's Mysterious Feast

10-2 The Long Delayed Reunion

11-1 A Deliverer Is Born

11-2 Moses Fulfills His Destiny

12-1 The King With the Heart Of Stone